Lyrics viewer pfor cmus written in C
Henrique Lengler
2014-08-05 00:13:13 UTC

I don't know if this list still active, but i'm here ta announce my new
project, a very simple lyrics viewer for cmus written in C.

This is the first software I write and it is at now only a scratch, with
little functionality. But it's working perfectly.
The problem that I no enough knowledge yet to add some functionalities,
and i have no one to help me. So, would be cool if you guys, could help me.

In the README file on the repository is a simple TODO list with thing
that i pretend to implement.

Obs: 1 - I have no intention to make this a plugin or complement for cmus, only
maintain it as a separated tool, that can be very util

2 - I know that cmus already have tools that display lyrics, but i don't
know any that is written in C.

3 - Any othe information you can get in the README file.

The repo link: https://gitorious.org/clyv/clyv
Henrique Lengler