cmus high CPU usage issue
2011-05-25 16:15:13 UTC
Hi there,

I think I've found a bug in the cmus player.

Several days ago I found this player and started importing my mp3s to the
library but I noticed that at some point the program stops counting the
seconds below (total duration) and my CPU usage goes to 50 percent and stays
there for as long as the program is running. And when this happens when I
try to quit the player it asks me if I am sure that I want to do that
because it is still importing files. I say 'y' and the program hangs. After
that I have to call `killall cmus` to kill the process. After some digging I
found the problematic mp3 file. I think that the file is somehow broken but
it plays well with Audacious and several other players.

I am attaching the mp3 file (please forgive me).

Steps to reproduce:
1) unzip the mp3 file
2) start cmus and try to add the unzipped mp3 file to the library.
3) pay attention to the CPU usage (with top for example)
Also you can try to play the file. I had problems with that too.

I think that an expected behaviour would be to skip this file during import
if it cannot be read.

I use cmus v2.4.0 on a 64bit (amd64) Debian distro, kernel 2.6.32-5.

If you need more information please contact me.

