A key that moves the cursor to the currently playing song?
Vladimir Todorov
2012-01-03 12:36:11 UTC
Hello everyone,

I was wondering If there is a key that can take the cursor to the currently
playing song?
I think that this behavior was observed in Winamp when you hit the SPACE
bar (I am not sure though - haven't used winamp recently).
The use case is:
Let's say that I want to search for a song. So I hit
and I find out that there is no such song - but the cursor on the screen is
moved to something similar to what I search for.
And now I wanna go back to my previous 'view' - the song and album that are
currently playing by cmus so I can move to another album from the same band
or just browse through the Artist.
Any suggestions?

Paul van der Walt
2012-01-03 12:49:03 UTC
Post by Vladimir Todorov
I was wondering If there is a key that can take the cursor to the
currently playing song?
i, or win-sel-cur or something like that.
Vladimir Todorov
2012-01-03 15:34:06 UTC
That's it! Thanks a lot! ; )
Post by Paul van der Walt
Post by Vladimir Todorov
I was wondering If there is a key that can take the cursor to the
currently playing song?
i, or win-sel-cur or something like that.
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