Problem compiling for OS X
Paul van der Walt
2011-05-27 11:42:51 UTC
Hi all,

I've been struggling for quite a while now trying to build cmus (from
git, pu branch) on my Mac. Solved a number of silly issues, like
libraries which couldn't be found, etc (I used ports and fink to get
hold of the needed dependencies), but now I've run into the following,
which I haven't been able to solve. ./configure does it's think, but
when building flac.so I get:

ld: in /sw/lib/libogg.0.dylib, file was built for unsupported file
format which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64) for
architecture x86_64

And I'm really not sure how to work around this (force cmus to build
for i386?). Any tips? Unfortunately I'm rather a novice when it comes
to getting things like this to work on OS X, on linux it's usually
much simpler (apt-get install flac-dev or whatever, then everything
works)... Main problem is I don't really understand what fink and
ports are doing, and where they're putting things.

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Gregory Petrosyan
2011-05-27 12:36:33 UTC
Post by Paul van der Walt
Hi all,
Hi Paul,
Post by Paul van der Walt
I've been struggling for quite a while now trying to build cmus (from
git, pu branch) on my Mac. Solved a number of silly issues, like
libraries which couldn't be found, etc (I used ports and fink to get
hold of the needed dependencies), but now I've run into the following,
which I haven't been able to solve. ./configure does it's think, but
ld: in /sw/lib/libogg.0.dylib, file was built for unsupported file
format which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64) for
architecture x86_64
And I'm really not sure how to work around this (force cmus to build
for i386?). Any tips? Unfortunately I'm rather a novice when it comes
to getting things like this to work on OS X, on linux it's usually
much simpler (apt-get install flac-dev or whatever, then everything
works)... Main problem is I don't really understand what fink and
ports are doing, and where they're putting things.
AFAIK you should not mix different package systems, like fink, ports
and homebrew.

I personally build cmus from git, with all the dependencies installed
by homebrew. If you just want a stable release, "brew install cmus"
will do it.

So, the guaranteed to work solution is to uninstall all fink/ports
packages, install homebrew, and install all dependencies (or even cmus
itself) with it.

Paul van der Walt
2011-05-27 12:43:39 UTC
Hm, okay, sounds like the clean solution, but I've forgotten
which other programs rely on Ports and Fink-installed things...
As I recall I've used it for a number of other things (mutt, for
example, I think).

Buh, I hate the package management nightmare on Mac,
Post by Gregory Petrosyan
AFAIK you should not mix different package systems, like fink, ports
and homebrew.
I personally build cmus from git, with all the dependencies installed
by homebrew. If you just want a stable release, "brew install cmus"
will do it.
So, the guaranteed to work solution is to uninstall all fink/ports
packages, install homebrew, and install all dependencies (or even cmus
itself) with it.
I see. Maybe that is simpler. Won't be bleeding-edge, though,
will it? Although, the only relatively recent feature I think I
use often is :live-filter (and mind you, the shortcut key L
seems to clear the filter, but not allow me to fill a new one
in. Anyway, not the issue now :) ).

OK, we'll see. Steps for me now:

1) figure out what I use from fink/ports,
2) throw that all away and use brew :p

Thanks for the pointers. I did have a sneaking (almost like an
oil tanker) suspicion that fink/ports mixed wouldn't be
considered good practise ;)

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