list name in subject
2011-06-06 08:04:25 UTC
Hello Gregory,

Can you please do something to add the list name to the subject line
automatically, something like [cmus-devel]. I have seen this with quite
a few lists and it makes it easier to sift through the inbox.

Gregory Petrosyan
2011-06-06 10:45:21 UTC
Post by gt
Hello Gregory,
Can you please do something to add the list name to the subject line
automatically, something like [cmus-devel]. I have seen this with quite
a few lists and it makes it easier to sift through the inbox.
What do you guys think about it?

I personally like it how it is now, because any decent email client
allows to highlight mail from a particular mailing list, and extra
[cmus-devel] will only add more noise IMHO.

Paul van der Walt
2011-06-06 11:14:15 UTC
Post by Gregory Petrosyan
What do you guys think about it?
Couldn't care less.
O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org
Jason Woofenden
2011-06-07 18:43:40 UTC
Post by Gregory Petrosyan
Post by gt
Hello Gregory,
Can you please do something to add the list name to the subject line
automatically, something like [cmus-devel]. I have seen this with quite
a few lists and it makes it easier to sift through the inbox.
What do you guys think about it?
I use filtering to put my cmus-devel messages in a folder. So I
have a mild preference to keep the subjects shorter (so more of
them fit in the tree view.)
"git am" can strip off the [cmus-dev] part right?
'The "Subject: " line is used as the title of the commit, after
stripping common prefix "[PATCH <anything>]"'
I'm surprised. There's probably some way to filter it, but I want
it to be easy to pull patches off the list.
So I guess this is another argument in favour of keeping titles clean :-)
Yeah. A rather strong one if you ask me.

Take care, - Jason
2011-06-08 07:35:58 UTC
BTW, if you use gmail, it is convenient to use filters for this. For
any cmus-devel message, click "show details" in the header, and then
"Filter messages from this mailing list". I add "cmus" label for all
of them, and this way, they are clearly marked in my inbox.
I use offlineimap + mutt (gmail account). I used to use filters with
gmail, but using filters all my mail was downloaded multiple times by
offlineimap. I have even tried coloured filters with mutt, but didn't
really like them.

Anyway, it isn't much of a problem, and i am fine with not having the
list name in the subject.

Jason Woofenden
2011-06-09 04:47:15 UTC
This email is about syncing gmail with offline imap. Nothing
on-topic here...
Post by gt
I use offlineimap + mutt (gmail account). I used to use filters with
gmail, but using filters all my mail was downloaded multiple times by
offlineimap. I have even tried coloured filters with mutt, but didn't
really like them.
Oh, make sure you don't sync gmail's "all mail" folder, it has a
second copy of everything. Here's what I have in my .offlineimaprc:

nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('.*Spam$', 'spam', re.sub('.*Drafts$', 'drafts', re.sub('.*Sent Mail$', 'out', re.sub('.*Starred$', 'starred', re.sub('.*Trash$', 'trash', re.sub('.*All Mail$', 'archive', re.sub('INBOX', 'in', folder)))))))

folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername in ['loongson', 'lemote', 'cib', 'cmus', 'dne', 'gc', 'INBOX', '[Gmail]/Drafts', '[Gmail]/Sent Mail']

The first line gives you reasonable names for the standard gmail
folders ("in", "out", "drafts") the second selects the folders to
sync (using the remote names, not the nice local ones.)

The first few foldernames above are the "tags" I've set up in
gmail. I set my gmail filters to tag with these, and skip the

Now I only sync/download/store one copy of each e-mail.

This also stops it from syncing the spam folder.

Take care, - Jason
2011-06-09 05:30:46 UTC
Post by Jason Woofenden
This email is about syncing gmail with offline imap. Nothing
on-topic here...
Post by gt
I use offlineimap + mutt (gmail account). I used to use filters with
gmail, but using filters all my mail was downloaded multiple times by
offlineimap. I have even tried coloured filters with mutt, but didn't
really like them.
Oh, make sure you don't sync gmail's "all mail" folder, it has a
nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('.*Spam$', 'spam', re.sub('.*Drafts$', 'drafts', re.sub('.*Sent Mail$', 'out', re.sub('.*Starred$', 'starred', re.sub('.*Trash$', 'trash', re.sub('.*All Mail$', 'archive', re.sub('INBOX', 'in', folder)))))))
folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername in ['loongson', 'lemote', 'cib', 'cmus', 'dne', 'gc', 'INBOX', '[Gmail]/Drafts', '[Gmail]/Sent Mail']
The first line gives you reasonable names for the standard gmail
folders ("in", "out", "drafts") the second selects the folders to
sync (using the remote names, not the nice local ones.)
The first few foldernames above are the "tags" I've set up in
gmail. I set my gmail filters to tag with these, and skip the
Now I only sync/download/store one copy of each e-mail.
This also stops it from syncing the spam folder.
Take care, - Jason
Thanks Jason. I didn't know about folderfilter option, i'll give it a

Also, there's a recent gmail feature (earlier a labs feature), which
lets us select the folders which we want to sync. But, it still leads to
duplication of mail afaik.

Adam Hoka
2011-06-08 08:30:36 UTC
On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 13:34:25 +0530
Post by gt
Hello Gregory,
Can you please do something to add the list name to the subject line
automatically, something like [cmus-devel]. I have seen this with quite
a few lists and it makes it easier to sift through the inbox.

Add a filter to "List-Id: <cmus-devel.lists.sourceforge.net>" ;)

prefix in subjects is so lame...
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