Filtering playlists
Paul Kramer
2012-01-10 14:56:43 UTC

are playlists currently filterable in cmus 2.4.0 (why is 2.4.0 the
version of the pu branch?)? I have a playlist with my favorites and
sometimes only want to listen to one specific band.

2012-01-10 16:02:45 UTC
Post by Paul Kramer
are playlists currently filterable in cmus 2.4.0 (why is 2.4.0 the
version of the pu branch?)? I have a playlist with my favorites and
sometimes only want to listen to one specific band.
cmus 2.4 introduced live filtering:


current cmus version is 2.4.3.

Live filters can be used by pressing L. It can be used with short
syntax, for e.g. in your case, to filter a band, you can use

~a bandName

To remove the filter, use F <enter>.
O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org
2012-01-11 05:23:37 UTC
But then it is strange that, when I use the commands specified on
the page for getting the "Bleeding edge" version, I end up with
version 2.4.0.something...
Also, if I press L, nothing happens. If I start typing after
pressing L, it executes all kinds of things (as if I pressed the
buttons normally). The Live-filter key is set to "L" but it seems
that it does not work for me. The strange thing is, that I remember
seeing the word live-filter pop up earlier this day...
I don't know why's that happening. Which distribution are you using?
Maybe the repos have a later version.

Alternatively you could try Johannes' git repository. I am using his
master branch.


PS: maybe Gregory could explain the git issue.
O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org
Paul van der Walt
2012-01-11 09:41:21 UTC
Also, if I press L, nothing happens. If I start typing after
pressing L, it executes all kinds of things (as if I pressed the
buttons normally). The Live-filter key is set to "L" but it seems
that it does not work for me. The strange thing is, that I remember
seeing the word live-filter pop up earlier this day...
This probably isn't the issue, but for a while I was stumped
because my cmus config said something like

bind common L live-filter

which should've been

bind common L push live-filter

Not sure how this happened to me, but it's worth checking.

My email load? http://courteous.ly/5ub1XN
Paul Kramer
2012-01-11 13:33:58 UTC
Post by Paul van der Walt
Also, if I press L, nothing happens. If I start typing after
pressing L, it executes all kinds of things (as if I pressed the
buttons normally). The Live-filter key is set to "L" but it seems
that it does not work for me. The strange thing is, that I remember
seeing the word live-filter pop up earlier this day...
This probably isn't the issue, but for a while I was stumped
because my cmus config said something like
bind common L live-filter
which should've been
bind common L push live-filter
Not sure how this happened to me, but it's worth checking.
This solved the Problem of the live-filter not working at all. But as it
is, live filtering still only works on the library views not on the
playlist views. (I just rebuilt cmus-2.4.3 from the sources on the website)

2012-01-11 16:21:48 UTC
Post by Paul Kramer
Post by Paul van der Walt
This probably isn't the issue, but for a while I was stumped
because my cmus config said something like
bind common L live-filter
which should've been
bind common L push live-filter
This solved the Problem of the live-filter not working at all. But as it
is, live filtering still only works on the library views not on the
playlist views. (I just rebuilt cmus-2.4.3 from the sources on the website)
Did you try deleting ~/.cmus, as Gregory said?
O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org
Gregory Petrosyan
2012-01-11 12:39:48 UTC
But then it is strange that, when I use the commands specified on
the page for getting the "Bleeding edge" version, I end up with
version 2.4.0.something...
That is fine — 2.4.* releases are made from the maint branch; pu and master
contain the version of the latest major version, 2.4.0.
Also, if I press L, nothing happens. If I start typing after
pressing L, it executes all kinds of things (as if I pressed the
buttons normally). The Live-filter key is set to "L" but it seems
that it does not work for me. The strange thing is, that I remember
seeing the word live-filter pop up earlier this day...
I think the best way is to remove the ~/.cmus folder, and do a clean build +
install. Everything should be fine.

2012-01-15 14:36:14 UTC
----- Forwarded message from Paul Kramer <***@googlemail.com> -----

Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 15:00:35 +0100
From: Paul Kramer <***@googlemail.com>
To: gt <***@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Filtering playlists
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:8.0) Gecko/20111105 Thunderbird/8.0

Yes, I did. Live-filter filters the library correctly while leaving
the playlist intact.
Post by gt
Post by Paul Kramer
Post by Paul van der Walt
This probably isn't the issue, but for a while I was stumped
because my cmus config said something like
bind common L live-filter
which should've been
bind common L push live-filter
This solved the Problem of the live-filter not working at all. But as it
is, live filtering still only works on the library views not on the
playlist views. (I just rebuilt cmus-2.4.3 from the sources on the website)
Did you try deleting ~/.cmus, as Gregory said?
----- End forwarded message -----
Johannes Weißl
2012-01-22 18:30:19 UTC
Hello Paul,
Post by Paul Kramer
are playlists currently filterable in cmus 2.4.0 (why is 2.4.0 the
version of the pu branch?)? I have a playlist with my favorites and
sometimes only want to listen to one specific band.
Sorry for not replying earlier! Filtering is currently only possible for
the library. I see how it could be useful for the playlist, too!

At least for :live-filter, this would be possible quite easily as far as
the user interface is concerned (because we know what the user wants to
filter, depending what view is active). But for the Filters view, what
should happen if filters are activated there? Filter playlist and
library, or just the library?

Paul Kramer
2012-01-22 18:58:10 UTC
Hello Johannes,

I think it would be fine, if only the live-filter command could be used
to filter the playlist. Since most of the time, when you filter a
playlist, you'll want to filter it temporarily, since the user created
the playlist himself (as opposed to the library, which usually contains
all the songs). So in the filters view (and thus also with the :filter
command) the filter should get applied to the library.

Right now, I do not see much difference between the :live-filter and the
:filter commands, except that live-filter does the filtering while
typing. This is (at least for me) not useful most of the time, because I
know, what I want to filter and do not need a live preview. If however
live-filters got applied to playlists, it would make a difference.

Also to be considered is what happens to a live-filter, if the view
changes? What happens, if you live-filter the playlist, switch to
library view and then live-filter it? Should it be saved per-view or
should the second live-filter replace the first one?

Post by Johannes Weißl
Hello Paul,
Post by Paul Kramer
are playlists currently filterable in cmus 2.4.0 (why is 2.4.0 the
version of the pu branch?)? I have a playlist with my favorites and
sometimes only want to listen to one specific band.
Sorry for not replying earlier! Filtering is currently only possible for
the library. I see how it could be useful for the playlist, too!
At least for :live-filter, this would be possible quite easily as far as
the user interface is concerned (because we know what the user wants to
filter, depending what view is active). But for the Filters view, what
should happen if filters are activated there? Filter playlist and
library, or just the library?
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Johannes Weißl
2012-01-24 01:09:13 UTC
Post by Paul Kramer
I think it would be fine, if only the live-filter command could be used
to filter the playlist. Since most of the time, when you filter a
playlist, you'll want to filter it temporarily, since the user created
the playlist himself (as opposed to the library, which usually contains
all the songs). So in the filters view (and thus also with the :filter
command) the filter should get applied to the library.
I will investigate how difficult it is to implement this! In the mean
time, can you add it to the always-growing wishlist :-)?
Post by Paul Kramer
Right now, I do not see much difference between the :live-filter and the
:filter commands, except that live-filter does the filtering while
typing. This is (at least for me) not useful most of the time, because I
know, what I want to filter and do not need a live preview. If however
live-filters got applied to playlists, it would make a difference.
Yes, :filter and :live-filter are very similar. Originally I just
wanted to include live-filtering into :filter (controllable by an option),
but sadly this is not possible without breaking backwards-compatibility,
because :filter can use predefined filter names (like ":filter 90s"),
while live-filter should behave like search in this case.
Post by Paul Kramer
Also to be considered is what happens to a live-filter, if the view
changes? What happens, if you live-filter the playlist, switch to
library view and then live-filter it? Should it be saved per-view or
should the second live-filter replace the first one?
I think each view should save the live filter. It would be easy to know
which filter is active, at it is displayed in the lower right corner...

Jason Woofenden
2012-01-24 02:26:36 UTC
Post by Johannes Weißl
I think each view should save the live filter. It would be easy to know
which filter is active, at it is displayed in the lower right corner...
I agree!

Initially I was thinking I might never use this feature, but since
I wouldn't have to look up how to do it, so I'm more likely to use

- Jason
