zenburn-like colorscheme for cmus
2011-08-26 09:41:39 UTC
Hello, attached you can find some kind of zenburn color scheme for cmus, you can use it, if you wish.

Best regards, sudo.nice.
Johannes Weißl
2011-08-27 18:22:25 UTC
Post by sudo.nice
Hello, attached you can find some kind of zenburn color scheme for
cmus, you can use it, if you wish.
Hmm, I tried to use it, but it doesn't seem to work:
"Error: sourcing /usr/share/cmus/quoted9 color108 color237.theme: No such file or directory"

It looks like it was written for mutt, and needs to be adapted for cmus.
Can you do this? Then it could be included in the main repository!

2011-08-28 16:10:02 UTC
Post by sudo.nice
"Error: sourcing /usr/share/cmus/quoted9 color108 color237.theme: No such file or directory"
It looks like it was written for mutt, and needs to be adapted for cmus.
Can you do this? Then it could be included in the main repository!
It sure is written for mutt. I think the OP maybe mixed up his post, or
is plain clueless :P
Johannes Weißl
2011-08-29 17:33:49 UTC
Post by gt
It sure is written for mutt. I think the OP maybe mixed up his post, or
is plain clueless :P
Hmm, sudo.nice accidentally sent the wrong file, he sent me the correct
one, and it looks quite good! So I will send a patch to include it into
the main cmus repository, if nobody objects to that!

Johannes Weißl
2011-08-29 17:37:23 UTC
From: "sudo.nice" <***@gmail.com>

data/zenburn.theme | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 data/zenburn.theme

diff --git a/data/zenburn.theme b/data/zenburn.theme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb1ca1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/zenburn.theme
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Directory colors
+set color_win_dir=108
+# Normal text
+set color_win_fg=188
+# Window background color.
+set color_win_bg=237
+# Command line color.
+set color_cmdline_bg=237
+set color_cmdline_fg=108
+# Color of error messages displayed on the command line.
+set color_error=lightred
+# Color of informational messages displayed on the command line.
+set color_info=lightgreen
+# Color of the separator line between windows in view (1).
+set color_separator=246
+# Color of window titles (topmost line of the screen).
+set color_win_title_bg=237
+set color_win_title_fg=174
+# Status line color.
+set color_statusline_bg=237
+set color_statusline_fg=142
+# Color of currently playing track.
+set color_win_cur=172
+# Color of the line displaying currently playing track.
+set color_titleline_bg=235
+set color_titleline_fg=144
+# Color of the selected row which is also the currently playing track in active window.
+set color_win_cur_sel_bg=235
+set color_win_cur_sel_fg=223
+# Color of the selected row which is also the currently playing track in inactive window.
+set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_bg=238
+set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_fg=116
+# Color of selected row in active window.
+set color_win_sel_bg=235
+set color_win_sel_fg=223
+# Color of selected row in inactive window.
+set color_win_inactive_sel_bg=238
+set color_win_inactive_sel_fg=116
Gregory Petrosyan
2011-08-29 18:32:10 UTC
Post by Johannes Weißl
data/zenburn.theme | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 data/zenburn.theme
Looks nice indeed, merged!

Note: for it to work, you need 256-color terminal. For bourne shells,

export TERM='xterm-256color'

in your ~/.profile should do the trick.

