New release needed
2012-08-09 07:39:57 UTC
Hello Gregory

With the release of ffmpeg 0.11 a few months back cmus 2.4.3 doesn't
list the ffmpeg input plugin and hence cannot use it.

I know that the git versions work fine with the latest ffmpeg and I use
the git version anyway. But many people using the stable version are
facing problems.

So I would request you to release a new stable version with the ffmpeg
fixes, if it is not too much of a bother.
Gregory Petrosyan
2012-08-10 22:25:03 UTC
Post by gt
With the release of ffmpeg 0.11 a few months back cmus 2.4.3 doesn't
list the ffmpeg input plugin and hence cannot use it.
I know that the git versions work fine with the latest ffmpeg and I use
the git version anyway. But many people using the stable version are
facing problems.
So I would request you to release a new stable version with the ffmpeg
fixes, if it is not too much of a bother.
Oh, thanks a lot for the reminder!

Unfortunately, I'm on a vacation right now — and I'll be back only in
2 weeks. Hope this is not too long of a wait.

Sorry for the delayed reply!

2012-08-11 04:09:23 UTC
Post by Gregory Petrosyan
So I would request you to release a new stable version with the ffmpeg
fixes, if it is not too much of a bother.
Oh, thanks a lot for the reminder!
Unfortunately, I'm on a vacation right now — and I'll be back only in
2 weeks. Hope this is not too long of a wait.
Sorry for the delayed reply!
No problem, I use the pu branch anyway.

Enjoy your vacation!
