track information/tag view
Justin Richard
2012-09-06 15:31:01 UTC

Does cmus contain a view, command, or plugin to display all known
information about the current selected track? For now I am using
external programs to view details such as file information/location,
id3/id666 tags, sample list for modules, et cetera which should
already be gathered from input plugins within cmus. It seems like
cmus could have one more view that displays information. I suppose I
just miss the Information window in xmplay, but I love cmus too much
to switch back to old habits.

The cmus command to show current track (win-sel-cur, Default bind = i)
is the closest I could find.

- velu
Gregory Petrosyan
2012-09-07 14:22:25 UTC
Post by Justin Richard
Does cmus contain a view, command, or plugin to display all known
information about the current selected track? For now I am using
external programs to view details such as file information/location,
id3/id666 tags, sample list for modules, et cetera which should
already be gathered from input plugins within cmus.
I think the most information (about the currently playing track) is
displayed with «cmus-remote -Q» shell command. Hope this helps!

