2010-11-17 12:07:07 UTC
Hey People,

Before I go into anything else, I just wanted to say thank you for implementing the --show-cursor option.
I remember asking for it on the list and I was surprised how reactive you guys were... It was commited on the repo the same day!
I might be wrong and my questionmay not follow the principles of CMUS, but I was wondering if by any chance a crossfade feature was somewhere on the
Along with the crossfade feature, a fade out option to stop playback might be interesting.

All the best,
Gregory Petrosyan
2010-11-17 23:48:56 UTC
Post by Emrah
Before I go into anything else, I just wanted to say thank you for
implementing the --show-cursor option. I remember asking for it on the list
and I was surprised how reactive you guys were... It was commited on the
repo the same day!
Yeah, these thanks should go to Timo IIRC!
Post by Emrah
Anyways: I might be wrong and my questionmay not follow
the principles of CMUS, but I was wondering if by any chance a crossfade
feature was somewhere on the roadmap? Along with the crossfade feature, a
fade out option to stop playback might be interesting.
Crossfade is a nice thing to have, but implementing it IMHO will require a
fairly major refactoring of cmus' internals, so I think it is unlikely to
happen anytime soon (unless someone will send the patches to the list, that is

