[cue-files] support - some thoughts
Сергей Сарбаш
2012-08-07 21:23:31 UTC
Hello, All.

I've took cmus from pu-branch for the sake of cue-sheets support.
I've downloaded some cue+ape && cue+flac albums.
Some cue+ape have for ex. next text in the cue-file:

FILE "Choeur des Moines de l'Abbaye de Solesmes - Les T.n.bres du
Vendredi-Saint.wav" WAVE

But of course that is an ape-file not wave. And this situation is
quite often with lossless albums.
foobar2000-player reads such files without problems, but cmus can't
till correct file's extention in the cue-file.

Should it be corrected in cmus or foobar2000's "feature" is a dirty
hack and doesn't conforms to some common standard for cue-sheets?

Another question or most probably feature request.
deadbeef-player can guess text charset for cue-files and shows its
content using correct encoding so I have some albums with cyrillic
characters in cue-sheets and they are shown in playlist correctly.
It would be the height of perfection if cmus would deal with encodings
in cue-sheets.

Thank you for your attention.
Truly yours,
Sergey Sarbash.
Gregory Petrosyan
2012-08-08 06:50:23 UTC
Post by Сергей Сарбаш
I've took cmus from pu-branch for the sake of cue-sheets support.
I've downloaded some cue+ape && cue+flac albums.
FILE "Choeur des Moines de l'Abbaye de Solesmes - Les T.n.bres du
Vendredi-Saint.wav" WAVE
But of course that is an ape-file not wave. And this situation is
quite often with lossless albums.
foobar2000-player reads such files without problems, but cmus can't
till correct file's extention in the cue-file.
Should it be corrected in cmus or foobar2000's "feature" is a dirty
hack and doesn't conforms to some common standard for cue-sheets?
Cue-sheets are more like a pack of dirty hacks in general :-) I want
every major cue-sheets use case to work properly out-of-the-box, so
this is a welcome feature, too.
Post by Сергей Сарбаш
Another question or most probably feature request.
deadbeef-player can guess text charset for cue-files and shows its
content using correct encoding so I have some albums with cyrillic
characters in cue-sheets and they are shown in playlist correctly.
It would be the height of perfection if cmus would deal with encodings
in cue-sheets.
Yes, this (or at least proper support for UTF-8 in cue) is a much
wanted feature. Unfortunately, cue sheets parsing in cmus is based on
the libcue right now, which, to say it lightly, is not a very robust
library. Right now I have no time to re-write it, but if anyone can
help with this — patches welcome! Parsing is a fun thing to code, I

Thanks for your feedback!

