Glen Winters
2012-11-11 02:39:05 UTC

I'm new to cmus, and I'm really liking it so far.

I just read through the entire manpage, and I'm trying to understand the
best way to deal with custom playlists. I want to have some playlists that
don't follow any pattern, so I can't use filters. I noticed that you can
save views using :save and then load them with :load. Is this the best way
to load different playlists?

For example, let's say I make two playlists called 'running' and 'work'.
Assuming cmus's 'playlist' view is empty and I want to load running, I
would use :load ~/music/playlists/running while on the playlist view. To
load 'work', I'd do the same thing with path of 'work'.

Is there a way to add to the path of 'load' so I don't have to type the
entire path of my playlists? Is there perhaps a better way to manage these

Also, I did this once and accidentally loaded 'work' into the library view.
I couldn't figure out how get the full library back without readding my
music directory. Was that the easiest way to recover the library list?

Glen Winters
Jason Woofenden
2012-11-11 20:51:30 UTC

Glad you like cmus!

You could use the key-binding system make shortcuts for loading
your playlists. For example:

bind common 8 load -p ~/music/playlists/running
bind common 9 load -p ~/music/playlists/work

I don't know a great solution for rolling back your library. You
may just need to keep backups of your ~/.cmus/lib.pl. I track
changes to that file with git (along with many other configuration

- Jason

P.S. -p tells load to load into the playlist (load defaults to
loading into whatever view you're looking at.)
Glen Winters
2012-11-11 21:24:41 UTC

Thanks for the tips.

One more related question:
Is it a bug that :load auto-completes directories but not files?

Also, is the mailing list the best place to ask questions about using cmus
or modifying the code, or is there perhaps a forum or IRC channel available?

Post by Jason Woofenden
Glad you like cmus!
You could use the key-binding system make shortcuts for loading
bind common 8 load -p ~/music/playlists/running
bind common 9 load -p ~/music/playlists/work
I don't know a great solution for rolling back your library. You
may just need to keep backups of your ~/.cmus/lib.pl. I track
changes to that file with git (along with many other configuration
- Jason
P.S. -p tells load to load into the playlist (load defaults to
loading into whatever view you're looking at.)
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Jason Woofenden
2012-11-11 23:10:09 UTC
Post by Glen Winters
Is it a bug that :load auto-completes directories but not files?
Looks like it's got a filter so it only shows files with one of
these extensions: .m3u, .pl, .pls
Post by Glen Winters
Also, is the mailing list the best place to ask questions about using cmus
or modifying the code, or is there perhaps a forum or IRC channel available?
All cmus-related communication (questions, bug reports, code
discussions, etc.) happens on this mailing list.

There's also a wiki with lots of tricks, scripts, etc.:

- Jason
