How to play as nature order by add dir order?
2012-01-30 03:32:49 UTC
happy new year!
- i'm fresh OS X user from chinese,when i under Ubuntu ,plsy music with MOCP
- so enter OS X,only cmus can play music in consol perfect
- now, after cmus 2 weeks, had now question:
- how to make cmuse play music as my add directory order?
- just like moc:
- my music is collation as artist with albums with directory
- so i can easy add albums directory in file-browser view
- but cmus play list is control by lib_sort
- i set as lib_sort=filename albumartist date album discnumber
tracknumber title
- so when i add some albums from some artist, cmus sorted
auto,and break my want order
i add c1/a5,a7 ; b1/a2,a1
i want play orgder: a5->a7->a2->a1
nut cmus ply as: a1->a2->a5->a7
because artist b1's name letter order is higher artist c1

thax for any suggest ;-)

ps: my env.
+ cmus v2.4.3
+ Darwin Kernel Version 11.2.0: Tue Aug 9 20:54:00 PDT 2011;
root:xnu-1699.24.8~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
人生苦短, Pythonic! 冗余不做,日子甭过!备份不做,十恶不赦!
俺: http://about.me/zoom.quiet
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Gregory Petrosyan
2012-01-30 10:42:11 UTC
Post by Zoom.Quiet
happy new year!
Happy new year!
Post by Zoom.Quiet
- how to make cmuse play music as my add directory order?
- my music is collation as artist with albums with directory
- so i can easy add albums directory in file-browser view
- but cmus play list is control by lib_sort
- i set as lib_sort=filename albumartist date album discnumber
tracknumber title
- so when i add some albums from some artist, cmus sorted
auto,and break my want order
i add c1/a5,a7 ; b1/a2,a1
i want play orgder: a5->a7->a2->a1
nut cmus ply as: a1->a2->a5->a7
because artist b1's name letter order is higher artist c1
I think cmus' Playlist (view #3) and Play Queue (view #4) views will be good
for you — please read the man page about how to add your tracks to these views.

