cdda and ...
Jack Krueger
2012-09-30 18:15:13 UTC

Sorry sent prvious from wronge address.

New to cmus, it is one of the last moves to a non-gui work place with
vim, mutt, spectrwm, etc.

I have the libcdio stuff and still can't get cmus to recognize the audio
cd. Also, an rc.

After extensive searches, found next to nothing for this issue.

Linux, opensuse 12.1, cdparanoia sees the /dev/sr0 and lists the

What am I not getting? Please and thanx. Jack
Gregory Petrosyan
2012-10-03 08:51:39 UTC
Post by Jack Krueger
New to cmus, it is one of the last moves to a non-gui work place with
vim, mutt, spectrwm, etc.
I have the libcdio stuff and still can't get cmus to recognize the audio
cd. Also, an rc.
What rc?
Post by Jack Krueger
After extensive searches, found next to nothing for this issue.
Linux, opensuse 12.1, cdparanoia sees the /dev/sr0 and lists the
What am I not getting? Please and thanx. Jack
Basically, you need to compile cmus with cdda/cdio support first. Then
it should be able to deal with audio CDs.

Please describe what exactly are you doing and what is (not) happening.

