Default volume change value
Johannes Weißl
2011-10-27 15:52:07 UTC
Hi cmus users / developers,

I got a request to lower the default volume change for +/- (it is now
10%). I never thought about it, but I noticed I even often use [, ], {
or }, although I want to lower/raise the volume for both left and right.

What do you think about making it %1 as the other volume keys? Just
wanted to hear feedback on this :-).

2011-10-27 17:46:27 UTC
Post by Johannes Weißl
Hi cmus users / developers,
I got a request to lower the default volume change for +/- (it is now
10%). I never thought about it, but I noticed I even often use [, ], {
or }, although I want to lower/raise the volume for both left and right.
What do you think about making it %1 as the other volume keys? Just
wanted to hear feedback on this :-).
I am ok with the way it is, currently. In fact on my machine 10% change
doesn't even make too big a difference. Maybe for people with
expensive/good quality sound cards, it's a noticable difference.

I usually change the sound level by 10-20% (+,- keys), both speakers
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Johannes Weißl
2011-10-29 01:54:08 UTC
Hi gt,
Post by gt
Post by Johannes Weißl
What do you think about making it %1 as the other volume keys? Just
wanted to hear feedback on this :-).
I am ok with the way it is, currently. In fact on my machine 10% change
doesn't even make too big a difference. Maybe for people with
expensive/good quality sound cards, it's a noticable difference.
I usually change the sound level by 10-20% (+,- keys), both speakers
Thanks for the feedback! I often have the situation where +10% is too
loud, but the current value is to quiet... what do you think about the
5% Gregory suggested?

I just wanted to see if I'm the only one who thinks 10% is too much...
if I am, changing it doesn't make much sense!

2011-10-29 02:50:58 UTC
Post by Johannes Weißl
Hi gt,
Thanks for the feedback! I often have the situation where +10% is too
loud, but the current value is to quiet... what do you think about the
5% Gregory suggested?
I just wanted to see if I'm the only one who thinks 10% is too much...
if I am, changing it doesn't make much sense!
Hmm.. 5% seems like a nice compromise for those who feel 10% is too much
or even those okay with 10%. Go for it.
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Justin Richard
2011-10-29 05:54:13 UTC
Smaller is good. Configurable, exponential scale works. e.g.
Gregory Petrosyan
2011-10-28 11:01:30 UTC
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Johannes Weißl <***@molb.org>
wrote:> Hi cmus users / developers,>> I got a request to lower the
default volume change for +/- (it is now> 10%). I never thought about
it, but I noticed I even often use [, ], {> or }, although I want to
lower/raise the volume for both left and right.>> What do you think
about making it %1 as the other volume keys? Just> wanted to hear
feedback on this :-).

I don't think 1% is the right default — there should be different
buttons for fast volume changing (+/-) and precise tweaking ([/]). As
for the fast changing — 10% may be a bit too much. E.g. MacBook's
hardware multimedia buttons allow you to have 16 different volume
levels. IMO 5% can be a good default for cmus.
Johannes Weißl
2011-10-29 01:59:25 UTC
Hi Gregory,
Post by Gregory Petrosyan
I don't think 1% is the right default — there should be different
buttons for fast volume changing (+/-) and precise tweaking ([/]). As
for the fast changing — 10% may be a bit too much. E.g. MacBook's
hardware multimedia buttons allow you to have 16 different volume
levels. IMO 5% can be a good default for cmus.
I tried 1% a little, and you are right, it is too low. 5% could be a
better default! I think two controls (one for fast changing, one for
precise tweaking) is a very good thing. But I really never want to make
one channel loader than the other. Is there anybody who does this?

The only situation I can image is where the sound hardware is not
equally load (one speaker damaged, or further away), but in this case
you also want to keep this ratio the same, not constantly change it :-).

Paul Kramer
2011-10-29 14:51:49 UTC
But I really never want to make one channel loader than the other. Is
there anybody who does this? The only situation I can image is where
the sound hardware is not equally load (one speaker damaged, or
further away), but in this case you also want to keep this ratio the
same, not constantly change it :-). Johannes
There was a German band (called "Die Aerzte") who once recorded 42
minutes of Concert onto a 21 minute Minidisc. This was done by recording
one half of the concert onto the left speaker and the other half on the
right speaker.

For this at least muting one channel could be useful.

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