[Request] vorbistag/id3v2.4 TSOA Album Sort Order
Mirko Augsburger
2011-12-28 23:53:54 UTC

I would love to change the Order of some Albums, expecially I would love
a Bonus Disc appear inside the same Album but with a different Album
showed like it is done to artists with the albumartist tag.

I think in id3v2.4 the TSOA tag should be used for this:
The 'Album sort order' frame defines a string which should be used
instead of the album name (TALB) for sorting purposes. E.g. an album
named "A Soundtrack" might preferably be sorted as "Soundtrack".

For Ogg Vorbis a tag named sortalbum would probably best; does a list of
"official" tag names exist?

Happy New Year,
Johannes Weißl
2012-06-14 21:45:24 UTC
Hi Mirko,
Post by Mirko Augsburger
I would love to change the Order of some Albums, expecially I would love
a Bonus Disc appear inside the same Album but with a different Album
showed like it is done to artists with the albumartist tag.
The 'Album sort order' frame defines a string which should be used
instead of the album name (TALB) for sorting purposes. E.g. an album
named "A Soundtrack" might preferably be sorted as "Soundtrack".
For Ogg Vorbis a tag named sortalbum would probably best; does a list of
"official" tag names exist?
Sorry for the very late reply! I've implemented TSOA/ALBUMSORT support
now, but there are two differences to artist sort:
- albums are sorted by date, so albumsort is only used for albums with
same date or unset date
- albumsort is currently only used for sorting, not displaying

I guess you are primarily interested in the display aspect, not the
sorting aspect, am I right? In this case we could introduce an option
like "display_artist_sort_name" ("display_album_sort_name"), or just
unify it to "display_sort_name". What do you think?

Mirko Augsburger
2012-12-05 19:38:11 UTC
Hi Johannes,
Post by Johannes Weißl
Post by Mirko Augsburger
I would love to change the Order of some Albums, expecially I would love
a Bonus Disc appear inside the same Album but with a different Album
showed like it is done to artists with the albumartist tag.
Sorry for the very late reply!
Well, I'm very sorry, too!
Post by Johannes Weißl
I've implemented TSOA/ALBUMSORT support
- albums are sorted by date, so albumsort is only used for albums with
same date or unset date
- albumsort is currently only used for sorting, not displaying
I realized it. With <Various Artists> it is working perfectly.
Thanks for your effort!
Post by Johannes Weißl
I guess you are primarily interested in the display aspect, not the
sorting aspect, am I right? In this case we could introduce an option
like "display_artist_sort_name" ("display_album_sort_name"), or just
unify it to "display_sort_name". What do you think?
You're right, I'm interested in the display aspect.
I would like an extra option like "display_album_sort_name" because I
have display_artist_sort_name set to false (I use albumartist for
displaying the right artist).

Have a nice day,
